Monday, July 2, 2007

The Rhino on the stroller

anonymous said...
Today morning, Nayana asked Bhagavan to tell them the story of the african devotees (who had come in his absence).

(i will narrate the story as best as i can remember)

Bhagavan: Last year, a couple from Africa had visited. They brought a pet along. People came running to me asking what is this animal as large as an elifink, with one huge hoahn in front.

I told them it must be a rhinoresus.

They were all pleased to know that it had a name, and Bhagavan knew about it. It was vegiterannean i told them. so don't be afraid.

Later the africans went visiting foahtha down south for a week and left the rhino in the ashram. It was looking for its owners all over, and frightening visitors.

Then one day it came into the hall. It came straight to me and put its head down as best as it could, making sure its hoahn did not come close to me.

It looked into my eyes, and asked 'where are my owners?'
I looked at him and told him they have gone for a week and should be back any day.

Hearing this he seemed pleased and at peace, and bowing his head again, toahned gently, and walked out of the hall with minimum distoahbuns.

He sat quietly near the cow shed, meditating and eating iddlies and sambar and bananas, behaving very well.

Later his owners came, fed him chocos, tucked him into a baby stroller, put a pacifier in his mouth, and took him away.

Then Bhagavan had that far away look in His eyeses. I sat wondering who this rhino really was and how lucky to get a darshan of Bhagavan. Surely he will be a human in his next boahth, and be a staunch devotee of Bhagavan.

July 2, 2007 10:24 PM

1 comment:

arunachalesha said...
