Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Like we went to the temple yesterday (in style)

Yesterday, in the evening me and Spotty went down to town to pay our respects at the Arunachaleshwara Temple, it being Nayana Day.

For some strange reason, Spotty immejitly lay down on the road and refused to move. From where is he lorning these things?

So i had to pick him up and carry him all the way to the temple. He sat up there quite happily, as you can see.

Spotty and Stripes go down Arunachala to Tiruvannamalai town in style

At the temple, some people, Europeans i think, one nice lady with three cute sons (and a cat), wanted to take photos of us with the tempul in the background. And then with sadhus. And then finally with their pet cat! This is the last straw, said Spotty and sat in a coahner.

So they foahsed some poor sadhu to stand for like ten minutes while they took different angles, and had me on this side and that. "Smile... Hold it right there Kitty ...Don't move..." etc etc Then they took a pic of the same poor oblijing sadhu and me and their kitty (!!), and the lady tells her sons "See -- two kittens". I am like furious. But they said "Like, we are also Bhagavan's devotees, you know, from far away." and so i had to oblije them, cos Bhagavan did care fer humans, too, well a bit.

Med Tiger made to pose with house-cat at Arunachaleshwara Temple

Then we came back through the ashram, doing a pradakshina in the hall. Spotty had a mugshot taken at the Sri Ramansramam gate. If i recall, at that point, he was like saying "I aint having a photo taken with some silly house cat, no way" (he doesn't yet know about Runes).

Spotty the Leopard posing outside Ramanasramam, onlookers admire

Later on the way back, he fell asleep. I put him down one mo to take a peepee. And guess what? Some humans picked him up and started the "kitty, kitty, isn't he so sweet" act. Now, luckily Spotty was fast asleep, else he would have really kicked up a row at the thought of a human (other than Bhagavan) touching him.

Luckily Spotty was asleep when the unthinkable happened!

"How apostris!", he would have said. And prolly bitten the human finger (just lightly, but enough to get the message across).

So i sed, "Look pardner, we appreshiate all this love, but you bettah put him down before he wakes up."

We saw the sun setting over Arunachala, then called it a day.


ramanamayi said...

Med Tig,
There was a big hue and cry here when the cubses saw the sadhu in the photo. "Mum-Lion, You didn't vibhuti OUR tummies!" Outrage at the tummy deprivation!

Namo Ramana

ananda said...

that shooa is a seryus offense. I am afraid i can't help you in this sityashun, i always have Spotty's hanz and footz and tumick and chest vibhuti'ed.