Saturday, July 14, 2007

Spotty told me ALL about the love-eyeses

anonymous said...
I see Spotty ("The Great Leopard" haha) was up aahly today and he's posted on your blawg before me.

Spotty's love eyeses

Did he tell you that he woke up aahly and went to roll in the rain puddles. And that he saw one of you lionses who had come out to have a peepee.

Yes, he saw one of you, altho not shua which one.

Our convoahsashun went something like this:

Stripes! Stripes!
Me: What is it?
I just saw one of em today! Peepeeing.
Me: Oh.
He has those eyes, you know?
Me: Eyeses, you mean. The plural of eyes is eyeses.
OK. Eyeses.
Me: What eyeses did he have ?

The eyeses of one who has looked into Bhagavan's eyeses.

Me: and what zackly are such eyeses like?

Little Lionses photographed (secretly) by Spotty

They have that compassionate, loving everyone
look, that eyeses have when they have peered into the depths of Bhagavan's Heart. Seeing everyone as Bhagavan, seeing Bhagavan in everyone.

Me: Oh. And where did you lorn about all this?

Well, if you just see his eyeses you will know.
Love eyeses are unmistakible.

Me: Oh there is even a name for them: Love eyeses? That's news to me.

Yup, them lions look like Love Guys to me.
Well, if you wish to validate what i said, look at the pictures of the cats in the pic they jest posted. Look at the eyeses of all the animals. They are unmistakibly Love Eyeses.

Me: Hmmmm. they shua have a look in their eyeses!

Which means they won't gobble us up. They won't harm us. We can go over for Iddlies anytime!!! I am ready!!! An i can't wait to play with all those little animalses they have.

btw, which of u was it? Spotty also said that the lion had a lot of red markings on him. I asked whether it was kumkum and he seemed purrty sure it wasn't.

Med Tiger.

July 14, 2007 1:19 AM

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