Monday, July 30, 2007

Listen very carefully

Cub brudders,
This is Spotty speaking in encrypted cub-tongue.

Yesterday I was reading the Magic Monthly, and inside (on page 9 and three-quarters) there is an article that sayz that the Ministry of Magic has decreed that all secret passages be registered with the Department of Secret Passages.

Since i can scarecely read, and i sortanly can't ask Stripes to read this, for he would wonder why i am so instraded in secret passages, therefore I am asking for your help. Please peruse the decree carefully and decide a course of action.

If possible do not share this with the Head of the Department of Tasty Treats. (She might tell Stripes).

-- Love, Spotty

1 comment:

ramanamayi said...

Dear Spotty Brudder,
We were starting to break out into a cold sweat when we began reading the decree ... but then i suddenly remembered that the Ministry of Magic has NOOOOOO authority on Arunachala. These are the only secret passageways in the universe that they cannot possibly insist be registered with them. We think Umbridge might be behind this.
The best course of action is to totally ignore this.

love, tirucub