Lepudd comes to me today waking me up saying :
Hey Tiger dude, i know all about the whateverses. They are lions, man. Huge terrifying ones.
(Now i hate being addressed as Man, cos thats like being degraded for us Tigers)
And they live over at the ashram with access to the kitchen.
I said, like o yeah, the kitchen. How often do we raid the kitchen?
Lepud says, like daily we do.
I says: do we like see any huge terrifying lions there?
Lepud says: like, no we dont.
I says: Then ???
He thinks a while and says: yeah, something smeld fishy. it was written on their blog.
I: on their Blog !!??? show me. We saw the blog.
I says: look Spotty (he hates being called Spotty). The last time we hurd of anything huge and terrifying over here was like those rhinose long back.
Lepudd says: that was grandma's tale.
Yup, i says. We have no proof whether there really were those two rhinos anywhere here. Just grandma and gramps tellign that to us at night to get us to sleep.
Yeah, we got no proof at all of those rhinoses. But gramps tole me that they ran away from Africa cos people there were hunting them for their horn.
I laffed and laffed: for that one stupid hoahn. Would anyone, even a human hunt a rhino for a silly hoahn. What for? To have a nice large back-scratcher. Yeah, said Lepudd, it did smell like quite fishy to me. But gramps told me that he had tears in his eyes when he heard that story from them. and he hugged them both and they felt better.
He hugged them? I asked. I could hardly control myself now. Do you now what happens when you like hug a rhino. You'd get poked in the side and die laffing!
Well, you could hug him sideways so you dont get poked in the side. ... Well. i guess you're right. Even the hugging part smeld fishy to me.
Then what do you think they are?
Me? I said, looking wisely. Whom do they write most about.
Lepudd says: Chimps. And Cows. ... ummmm.
Me: so there you are. they write about chimps, so they could be chimps. We seen a lot of them there at the ashram, haven't we?
Lepudd says: Could they atleast be peacocks?
So i says: lets like end the specklation. and ask them. And ask them if they are vegeteranean too, cos we don't much care about hanging out with lions who hurt udder creatures.
Lepudd: lets check them out from a distance. if they are huge and terrifying, then i ain't going over to meet them.
I says: Cool then.
Mummy Lioness and Ombaby
So brother Lions, we shall be watching from a distance. If you look life-threatening to us, then we are calling it off. We are vegeteranean cats and therefore not huge and frightening. we are gentlecats.
Added Later: Spotty feels you are telling the truth. He thinks you could be big 16 foot tall lions from some udder place like Africa. Praps you visit here once in a while looking like monkeys or bunnies. For once i agree with him.
M Tiger.
July 8, 2007 10:16 PM
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