Yup, you should have seen Mummy Lioness's face when she came back into the cave from hanging the kaupinams up on the clothesline. She did not know that we had gotten into a storeroom of vibhuti down at the ashram and dragged pounds and pounds of it up the hill, and she sortanly was not aspecting to find it covering us and the cave and all her books! She ommst bit us!!
Omcub hadta do his winningest smile and call her Om-mummy, and even Om-mummy dear, and she melted as usual and did not bite us after all. Whew! It was a close shave!
We even got to do science afterwards. We love mixing things and seeing what will asplode. Mummy lioness can get astremely furious, but she never holds a grudge.
pleease pleese, no iksploshuns...
We don't want little lion cubses with black eyeses.
Tiger is really looky, he has only me to look after. I wish there were two more leppudds. We could together really drive him like totally crazy.
Spotty you can team up with us -- then we can drive Med Mum crazy at our cave, and Med Stripes crazy at your cave.
You should join the science class ... the iksplosions are really more fizzings, cos Mum Lioness won't let us combine anything more punchy than vinegar and baking soda and food colouring (which is still pretty fun!!.
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