Thursday, July 12, 2007

Spotty still has issues

anonymous said...
Spotty is askin whether we will have to meditate during the paahty.
i said possibly.
so he asked what really is meditation.
i said, you just close your eyeses and sit for a while, till prasad is soahved.
"Close our eyeses", he shouted aghast.

I said, why?

Spotty spying on Lion Family

He said, they could torn back into lions and chomp me up when i close my eyes.
And then torn back into peacocks or gentle rabbits and no one would be the wiser!

well, i didn't think of _that_.

i tried to ashoah him that these are no oahdinary lions. they are really nice, sweet cultured huge and terrorfying lions, not some beastly huge and terrorfying lionses.

Can we keep one eye open while meditating? he asked.

We could, i said.

Then there's like three of them against us two, he says. And that's all we know of. There could be even moah they haven't tole us about. Every now and then a new blog starts and we like realize there's one more lion in cave 7.

Look, lionses don't eat lionses. Forst of all. An then we catses have nine lives. so if they like chomp you up, you'll still have eight lives left.

He went on and on with objections till finally i lorst my temper and then he agreed to come, if I step in foahst.

So we should be there, vibhuti'ed and all.
Now there's one more thing about Spotty. He doesnt go anywhere unless a password is asked.

So when we like enter your cave, you have to stop us and ask us the password.
We will say "Namo Ramanaaya" and then like you welcome us in.

July 12, 2007 10:39 PM

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