Saturday, July 28, 2007

I like went in disguise !!!

Yesterday when we like went over for Iddlies, we made it poafikly clear that we had just dropped by, and had absolukely no idea that we were invited. How were we suppost to know anyway? So now the Lionses really have no idea that they were being tailed by me.

So like today I got into a Lion cub outfit that fits me to a T. Tiger had to zip me up and pinch in the velcro in sortan parts. And then we were off.

Of coas we had to make up a story of how he had found me walking around lorst in the hills crying and he picked me up. And oh Spotty, well right now he's farst asleep, snoring cutely and all that. And so he thought being a lion cub, i might want to meet up with some others of my type.

Now, Spotty, you be a good lion cub today

Of coarse, Auntie Lioness was only too unnerstanding. Altho she did give me one suspicious sniff, and then after that she was warm and friendly. She said i was most welcome to live with them, and she would adopt me, which freaked out Stripes. He said, no we can't possibly impinge upon your already vastly over-streched resoases, and it was Bhagavan's will that the cub be taken care of by Tiger.

And Auntie Lioness kept insisting that it was no boahden at all. If she could take care of three, she could take care of four. Just one more kaupinam to wash, that's all. And a tiny one at that.

Tiger didn't know things would take this kind of a toahn. As it is we have encroached upon your kind hospitality so often, and wiped off a week's worth of iddlies in one evening, we possibly cannot, and we mean it, encroach on you nice people any foarther.

But Auntie Lioness would not listen. She musta really believed I was a lion. But i cant figger why she would look at the cubs and give them a wink whenever she saw Tiger squirming and sweating.

So finally Tiger said only for today. Auntie Lioness finally agreed and didn't press any foarther. Just imagine what would have happened when I would have had to go to peepee and asked her to help me out of the outfit! She would have fainted with shawk upon realizing that I am not really a lion.

Anyway, here are some pics taken by Auntie Lioness of Stripes playing with us four "huge terrifying" cubs.

Tiger played 'Hide n Seek' with us, and hockspotch, 'I Spy' and 'Cat n Mouse' too.
It was tough for Stripes to hide in the small designated playing area, but we pretended not to see him till the last moment.

All the cubs shout 'I spy'

Can you tell me apart, betcha can't.

-- Spotty the Leopard

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