Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Magical World of Sri Ramana's Creatures

Welcome to the Magical World of Sri Ramana's Creatures ... a world where all animals are peaceful and at peace.
Where all animals meditate.
Where there is only good, no evil. No monsters, no devils, no bad people, only meditators and nice mums, and friends.

And all the food is blessed by Bhagavan and one's Mum.

Where everyone gets to sit on Bhagavan's lap for as long as they want. And there are regular darshans, open to all.

And animals write poems. And even change their form every day, one day lion, one day rabbit, one day turtle. Where one can spell woahds as we speek them, not in sum funny way foahced on us by sum skool-teechurs or crusty acamedishuns. Where spelling woahds in new ways is encurridged, and the younger you are, the righter your spellings are. Old fashunned spellings are always increck.

Where the plural of eyes is eyeses. Where animalses rule, and humanses are in the minority.

Where the smallest and yungest is most respecked and never to be intertruptid.

All the creatures you see here
are getting along perfectly with each other.
This is the way it should be with humans.
All these animals have been influenced by Bhagavan
to behave peacefully together.
-- A tiny Cub

Where everyone sings or hums Bhagavan Ramana's name all day long. Where all walls are covered with photos of Bhagavan and His devotees. Where all mantelpeaces have Bhagavan photos and His meditators on them.
Where every word spoken by the Lord is worshipped.
Where everyone dreems Bhagavan dreams.

Where only TWO kveschuns may be aahsed:
1. Who am i?
2. Mum, woz for dinner ?

There are only 2 ansirs for the secund:
a) Idalies and saambaar
b) Don't ask, some faux food will be soahved since we are out of Iddly ingredients

Where Hungry Ganesha and Naughty Krishna come to play with lill childrun unaspeckdit.
Where ones frenz include Cow Lakshmi, Sri Muruganar and Sadhu Om.
And Suri Nagamma, Annamalai Swami and Sadhu Arunachala.
Who come over for tea now and then.
And Hobbler who jumps in for hot milk
thru the window.
Where Ramanatha Brahmachari is everyone's favorite.
And no one beats the monkeys.
And hornets don't bite Bhagavan.
And Echammal (God bless her soul)
cooks the rice properly
so Bhagavan doesn't feel uneasy
And Lakshmi, Jacki and Valli (the deer)
come for sleep-overs.

And all the stars in the sky
are named after Bhagavan
and his devotees
And you always get what you wish
And everyone is absorbed in Ramana
and eating Appalams made by Him.

1 comment:

ramanamayi said...

A wurld where little chuljren
lie cuddled up together
at night
looking at Bhagavan's face
and whispering Om Namo Bhagavate
Sri Ramanaya
until sleep claims them for a while,
and then they wake up
with sunlight on their faces
greeting the day
with sleep bewoozled voices: