Saturday, July 14, 2007

Tips on house-training for Leopards

ramanamayi said...
Dear Med Tiger,

The cubs are all nicely trained -- but you must remember, they are a little older than Spotty who is really just a baby. The cubs just grew out of some of their baby ways -- but they are still VERY naughty and wrestle in the cave when told to only wrestle outside, and they take each other's toys and hide them behind bushes and then get into big scuffles and want me to take a side.

Hold the kaupinam out as a treat for Spotty for when he is totally trained. You can't be doing all that laundry! And when you get it, bring it over to me and I will put the spots on it with some kaupinam markers we have at our cave.

love, Mummy Lion

July 14, 2007 8:57 PM

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