Monday, July 30, 2007

White peacock and Nagini !!!

Spotty: Wow! A white peacock on page 1. This book promises to be very instrading !!! Do you think it could be Bhagavan's white peacock?

I seriously don't give that much of a chance, Spotty.

Are there going to be many meditator creatures in this book?

I think not, Spotty.

You mean like 600 pages and NOT ONE meditator creature.

That's right, Spotty.

Awwww! Strange that there are bad people and evil things in this book. In our world nothing bad happens and its still soooo instrading.

I am totally with you there, Spotty.

Oh, a snake called Nagini. Wheee ! A sanskrit name!
Do you think there will be moah sanskrit woahds in this book?

Can't say, but again i doubt it, Spotty. This is a Harry Potter book, after all.

Well, my dear brudder Tiru is lorning sanskrit and can write very well. If any moah sanskrit words come we can ask him to asplain them to us.


Oh by the way, before this Stripes was quite shocked to find the book with me. He wanted to know how i got it. He saw your name inscribed inside. Did you like ask them before borrowing it?
I could not tell him that since you have not finished reading it, there's no way i could ask about borrowing it.

Secret passage linking Caves 7 and 8

Nor could I tell him that i got through the secret passage (with Lord Ganesha's help) and pinched the book while you were sleeping, and will retorn it before you wake up. You may find a few tell-tale leopard hair in the book, but thats all. I promise not to tear any pages, chew the binding, leave pawprints all over, or tear out the final pages having the books climax (which some naughty people around here do).

He said shurely you could not have accidentally brought it back after the sleepover, considering that the book is much bigger than you are.

So i told him that Tiru has a magic wand, which he knows, and that at night the book will transpott itself here, and before he opens his eyeses it will transpott itself back. He fell for that.

-- Love, Spotty

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