Monday, July 30, 2007

I have it figured out !!

... how you change your shape!!!

I was reading Potions and Spells, Volume XIII, Chapter XVII, which says that you take hairs of the animal you want to be.

You dunk that in a glass with this Polyjuice potion which is like muddy liquid. Depending on the type of animal, the potion could turn golden or become quite yucky, or something in between.

You then just drink the potion, and in a minute or two you become zackly like that creeachure.

It does not talk of how long the spell lasts (okay its one hour). Maybe that comes later. There is also a magazine referenced "Transfiguration Today" which has articles and stories of Changer Creatures.

1 comment:

ramanamayi said...

Dear Spotty, we know about the method you describe, but we have a totally different way of changing. Our spell is Om om om, change us to ... [name creechur]. This way does not involve any icked potions, just clean and powerful Oms. With Bhagavan's Blessing, we can teach you this. There is a little more to it than we just described but we don't want to risk Med Tiger reading it and turning himself into a sloth and getting sleepier than he already is. Also, we SPECIALLY don't want Jagaswami getting ahold of this spell ... more about Jagaswami later ...

love, tirucub