Spotty went out looking for his brudders but he didn't tell Med Tiger where he was going. Med Tig thought Spotty had run off. Med Tiger put out a supply of fresh iddlies to tempt Spotty home. Unknown to Spotty, the lionses were passing by behind him, downwind.
Spotty smelled the iddlies and came up to them. Med Tiger was relieved to have him home.
Spotty clutched an iddli in his paws ...
One of the cubses came through the secret passage in the rocks and found Spotty eating the iddlies. Spotty and Med Tiger offered him one.
(posted by arunachalacub)
OMG ! Now the secret passage is no longer secret. only a matter of time that Tiger reads about it.
-- Spotty
Shhhh, it's me, arunachalacub, whispering so Med Tiger does not hear ... I'm ommst too curious to sleep to know why you want to keep that secret passage secret from Med Tiger. Ansor fast, before Med Tiger notices you blogging and gets sahspishus.
love, arunach-cub
well itz like this. on some days, for bad behaviyore ferzample, Tiger tells me i can't leave the cave. he shuts the gate and snoozes off.
its on days like this that i can escape thru the secret passage and go scouting around, or on my regular recon missions (visits to the ashram kitchen, where Shantammal never refuses me fresh iddlies).
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