Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Spotty goes for Arunachala Pradakshina

1. The day started off well. Spotty was really ascited about doing Pradakshina.

2. After a few dozen steps, Spotty begins to yawn.

3. Spotty insists on being carried the rest of the way, which means the entire way, since we have barely like taken a dozen baby steps. We have quite an argmint. Spotty tries argmints like "i am shooa Auntie Lioness carries all three cubses on Pradakshina, and they are way biggah than I is."

4. Finally (like always) I have to carry Spotty.

5. We see a dog meditating on the hill (inner route).

Spotty says "Do you think he is a siddha or a jnani??? Can we like ask him?"
I: NOOOO. He could coahse us! He could make us into hoomens.

6. Spotty wakes him up and sits on his back, ordering him to carry him the rest of the way.

I mean like, the poor meditator dog can barely stand up, how will he carry you all around the hill? Be reasonable, Spotty!

7. We see some funny creechure on the way shouting "Way to go, catses".

Nice day to you, too, little feller, whatever you are. And nice Vibhuti too, over the eyeses. And nose. And ...

8. "VIBHUTI !!!!!" says Spotty suddenly. Could they be the meditator changer creechures ?

9. "What's all this noise about, guys? Can't a siddha meditate in peace around here?"

"Oh, a baby lepperd! How sweet. Why don't you gentlecats come in for breakfuss?"

10. "Hey you chaps shooa luk familier!" (A dog carrying a leopard, wot has this wild come to?)

"You shua look familiar, too! Are you the local bouncers 'round here, haha ?"

11. "Hey frenz, I am a fan of your blawg, remember me? Thanks again for the darshan pikchers."

"And could i poblissly borrow your copy of Harry Potter when you've finished. I've like eggzosted my month's allowance and can't wait much."

And so the pradakshina went on ... we had the darshan of many animal devotees of Bhagavan, we don't know which were meditators, which were jnanis, siddhas etc., and which could have been the changer creecherses. But we had a good time. And so did Spotty, although his little feet barely touched the ground.

1 comment:

ramanamayi said...

Baby Med Giraffe, Yes, you can definitely borrow my HP as soon as I am finished -- or you can read over my shoulder. I am on chapter 18 so you might be a bit confused.

love, the biggest lion cub