Sunday, July 29, 2007

How Spotty got to the other side of the cave

Well, it happened like this. Arunachala cub is the nightowl to end all nightowls. Deep into the night he is begging Mummy Lion, "Oh please, just read me a few more verses of the Aksharamanamalai! Oh and what is Om to the Omth power? And what is Spotty thinking about right now? And can I do some mazes? Just two sudokus? Maybe some logic? And tell me all about Bhagavan's childhood ... please, please! I am NOT sleepy! And what did Ganesha look like BEFORE he got that elephant head? What colour was his hair then? And it is more likely to find a human head lying around or an elephant head?"

Because these questions are so PRESSING, Arunachalacub stays up VERY late ... later than Med Tiger ...

Mummy Lioness says things like, "Oh cublet, go to sleep ... oh, alright, let me tell you about when little Venkatashwara got into some old legal files ..." She is a nightowl herself.

So the two of them looked over and saw the sleeping tiger and the sleeping baby lepudd on the other side of the cave.

"Isn't Spotty so so cute?" asked arunacub.

"Yes, he certainly is," said Mummy Lioness.

"Don't you think he'd be more likely to have Bhagavan dreams if I whisper every name I can think of for Bhagavan into his furry little ear while he sleeps?" asked Arunacub.

"Yes," said Mummy Lioness. "I think it would increase the chances. How could it not?"

Arunacub has set up his mother perfectly. "Then can you go and bring him over here? Please? I promise I won't insist on doing another sudoku if you go get him."

So Mummy Lioness tip-clawed over and gently took Spotty by the scruff of the neck, tugged a little to release him from Med Tiger's rather tight grip, and brought him back to arunacub. Spotty made a tiny cute grunting sound as he was deposited beside arunacub. omcub stirred in his sleep and flung a light paw over spotty's tummy. Mummy Lion said: if we hear the slightest distress from Med Tiger, even a bit of dream sighing, we will rush Spotty right back into his paws.

Arunacub began to whisper into Spotty's soft small ear: Om Om Om. Ramana, Bhagavan, Venkataraman, Sage of Arunchala, Father, Lord of the Hill of Fire, Maharshi ...

1 comment:

ananda said...

Arunacub, I am not shua how Tiger will react when he lorns that I was taken out of his grasp when he fell asleep.

Praps in future, posts such as these should be marked in the bigning with a line like "(only for Spotty's eyeses)"
or "(not for any tigerses)".

That shud prevent him from reading.

And frankly he is such a deep sleeper that there is no need for MUm to tip-claw around, or to worry about putting me back if he sighs. You could pick him up and put him outside the cave while he sleeps and he would not know.

I have known squirrels to jump all over him while he slepped.