Thursday, July 12, 2007

You seem like propah folks

anonymous said...
hey peacocks,

we really know nothing about kaupinams (loincloth). zilch.

mine is fit for a museum, and Spotty's has been eaten by moths and ratses.

we rarely even like bathe. and a bath typically means rolling in mud when theres been like heavy rain.
and splattering each other.

Spotty watching you carefully

Spotty thinks we can come "as we are" .

i tried to asplain to him that one does not go to an Iddly party (hosted by orthodox consoahvative lions) in tennis shoahts with a sweat band on the foahhead.

that's all we really wear - sports gear.

and we heard some more things about you consoahvative propah folkses. That you always have vibhuti on your foahheads. and arms and chest and wrist. And a spot of kumkum too. Besides the spotless loincloths already discussed in great detail. And that ALL guests, barring none, must come appropriately vibhuti'ed.

there are also rumours of incense sticks being lit and waved, and Bhagavan's name being taken like all day long, and even moahmoahed in sleep.

All this is now giving Spotty sleepless nights. He likes to think he is the cat's whiskers (haha), but has just realized that aint true.

He keeps moahmoahing about "huge terrorfying lines" in his sleep.
And suddenly waking up in a cold sweat.

With your magic talents of changing your species, is there any way you could like change our tennis shoahts into clean spotless kaupinams? Just for one evening?

And could you leave a bag of Vibhuti outside our cave with clear instructionses on how to apply.

Spotty and Stripes

July 12, 2007 1:16 AM

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