Sunday, July 8, 2007

We are in cave 8 on Arunachala

ramanamayi said...

Dear Big Med Cats,
We live on the west side of Arunachala, in the 8th cave.
We have a speshul siddhi that enables us to change from one type of creechur to another. when it wuz time for us to take our current births, Bhagavan asked us what we wanted to be, and we could not decide, so He said: no need to pin it down, you can be all sorts of creechurs. You can change from one to another whenever you like. So you see, some days we are elefinks, and some days we are lions and some days we are dragons and some days squirrels ... also bunny rabbits, chipmonks ... we WERE those Tarsiers you saw but we were feeling shy (I (T) was the one Med Lep wanted to take home). Today we are being humans becos we thought they were a bit fun to be and we have not been humans much. We are playing cards and it is easier to play cards as humans. Please come by our cave and we will be something unshy.

lots of love and some purrs,
the Meditator Creechurs

July 8, 2007 11:17 AM

1 comment:

arunachalesha said...

The order is slightly off each day, cos that's how I rearranged the times, so each day would start from the post on top not backwards. Currently it is showing one post per page so that is not clear.