Friday, July 27, 2007

Med Tiger and Mum Lioness inspect the work

Mum Lioness: Well, what do you think, Med Tiger? How do you think the class is coming along with their writing?

Med Tiger: Well, like, it seems pretty good to me ... Whatdaya think, cubses? Spotty? Time to go out and wrestle?

Class: Yeah !!!!!


ananda said...

Spotty tells me in my ear that he is shooa that Bhagavan held their handses while they were writing His name. That's why it has come out so poafix.

Each sybable is poafik.

-- Med Tiger

ramanamayi said...

Tiru-cub is whispering the same thing to me! He says Bhagavan was holding his paw too.

- Mum Lioness