Thursday, August 2, 2007

Spotty on Harry Potter

Well, its been like raining all day. Thus we been like holed in all day like ratses or rabbits, Spottykins and I. I been reading HP and the Deathly Helloes or Hollows or whatever to him.
We've like crossed 250 pages.

Spottykins keeps telling me how strange -- these people are so good at wizardry but they don't like believe in God. They have no faith, see how frightened they live, even with all their magic powers and spells. It has brought them no happiness at all. If only they put in effert to realize the seff.

Oh my, just remembered, Spottykins forgot to retorn this book to you this moahning!!!
Spotty!!! where are you, come here this instant and retorn this book to Tirucub. Tiru must be livid that you borrowed the book and didden retorn it. He must be impatient to know whats happening in the final chaptoahs.
Spotty, tell Tiru it was raining catses and dogses so you cudden come over to retorn it. Apologize profusely and make that sad, doleful face you make with me when you've done something really smelly in the cornah and want to escape a scolding.

Spotty says: If only Harry Pottah surrendered to Bhagavan, all would be fine. I said, like shoa, then the whole story would have finished in the forst book itself, and there would be no seven books, each 600 pages. But still Spotty insists at every other page, saying that its so silly the lengths they are going to, to do anything, when they could just have called out once to Bhagavan.

And look, Harry's standing at his parents grave and saying they are dead, and in there in the snow. Duzzen he know that no one dies, and he calls Dumbledore dead too, and doesnt believe that Dumbledoah can still proteck him. Now that's silly!

"Harry, can you hear me ?", Spotty was calling out, "your mum and dad are there with you, Dumbelldoor is protecking and guiding you, kent you see ???"

Now Spotty wants me to close my eyes, and count to eleventy. He says he will retorn the book and be back by then, but i must not peek. Strange feller !


ramanamayi said...

The problem is, they don't know anything about Bhagavan! I wouldn't be surprised if they have never ever heard His name. Also, I can hardly see Valdemort abandoning his attempt to kill Harry and starting to pray to Bhagavan instead.
love, tirucub

And the amazing this is ... i have asked Mummy Lioness about this over and over and over and she has no good explunashun ... some humans can look at Bhagavan's face and not know they are looking at the Divine. I cannot understand it. Maybe Med Tiger can asplain it!

ramanamayi said...

ooops, that last part about asking Mummy Lioness to answer my questions was from arunacub.

ramanamayi said...

Spotty, I have just finished the new HP, so now you can have it in your cave as much as you like, though you are mostly in our cave now so maybe you should just curl up in a comfortable (cumpsagul, as you and omcub would say) spot in our cave and finish it off!
love, tirucub