Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Mysterious Childhood of Stripes the Tiger

Leopard Spotty

Spotty: Tell me about your childhood, Stripes.

Stripes: Again?

Tiger Stripes

Yeah, last time you told me was a long time ago, i was too small then. I rememborize lickle of it.
Ok. My life starts when i saw Bhagavan for the forst time.
No, no, before that.
Before THAT! there is NO before that. That's when i was boarn.
But larst time you did talk of having some relatiffs who do not --
SHHHH ! i have NO relatives.
You said you come from a family of --
SHHHH ! I come from Bhagavan's family only. He is my all. There is no other.
What about that porson who ate ---
Please Spotty, this is going too far!
(Stripes puts paw over Spotty's mouth, Spotty unable to complete M-woahd).

(A few minutes later)

Spotty (from highest branch of tree): You once said he ate like a piranha or crocodile or somefink, tearing away large chunks of you-know-what ?

How Spotty imagines Stripes' distant relative to be

Spotty dearest, never ever speak of any relative or whatever, who eats anything that had legses or eyeses or wingses or anything. Or who do not believe in Bhagavan.
Shooa, Stripes. ... Then do tell me again (and the lionses) how you found me.


ramanamayi said...

Spotty, press Med Tiger for more details about all this.

And, we want to hear all about your life since you were born, and how Med Tiger found you, and even though you say you are too young to explain how you stay 6 months old forever, and even though Mum Lioness tells us we have already asked you that question, we are still curious about that.

love, Tirucub

ramanamayi said...

Don't forget to tell us about how Stripes found Spotty. Please, please! We keep wondering about that. Spotty, what did Stripes tell you before about this? Is anything known? And has Med Tiger menshuned anything recently?

love, Arunacub

ananda said...

Stripes is hunting down the photographs of when we forst met.
then he will write it down.

i shall keep the pressure up on him to finish this.

ramanamayi said...

Spotty, be sure to bite his tail and his earses every little while to keep the pressure up.

love, arunacub and omcub