Saturday, August 11, 2007

Leopard behavior - so nutty !

Leopard Style

What's it with leopards, really, and their impossible to understand behaviour. If we take tiger behaviour as normal, then on one hand you have lion behavior like not liking to swim, and going around in a pride. Which is tolerable. But on the other hand, you have leopard behaviour which is just so strange its almost like other-wordly!

Golly! Prof Snapes gives me the chillz
The other day i got this Harry Potter book, and thought we'd both curl up and read it together. What do you think happens? Spotty takes the book away from my mouth, and goes out of the cave and climbs up a tree, and reads it precariously balanced up there! (Just look, the book could fall over any moment!)

He then constantly looks out of the coahner of his eyeses to make sure no one is reading over his shoulder.

It's this taking things up a tree and doing it there thing that drives us tigers insane.

Spotty: I ent sharing my book with nobody

I make idlis for lunch, heap them on a banana leaf with cocunut chutney for us to have together. And what does he do? Picks up one with his mouth, and again runs up a tree, and devours it there, alone. Is there no such thing as having a bite together, or sharing a meal with a leopard?

Now i do happen to know that when he goes over to Aunt Lionesses, there he behaves like a lion, sitting down with the family, playing with their twigs and rocks and shells, EVEN curling up with the cubs and going to sleep. This may sound like I am going too far, but he even looks lionish over there.

Now why can't he behave like a tiger over at our cave?

-- Stripes, the Meditating Tiger.

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