Thursday, August 9, 2007

Spotty having one of those days

Phew! Tried to tell Dr. Spotty to hurry up on answering the questions that have come up from the cub brudders. And also to step on all six cylinders regarding the story of the magic wand. He said 'its going to take time to recollect the details of the one-month duel. Things will have to wait.

'Even that fan mail - well, we'll have to start considering sending some stock replies like "Thank you for your instrade. For more information, please refer our blog".'

I told him that would be the PR disaster of the cenchoahry! He just looked into the distance and said, "Currently my mind is totally lost in Ramana Maharshi. It just isn't going elsewhere." He had that look in his eyes as though Bhagavan Ramana was going to materialize any moment and pick him up.

He then said, I had a dream. I saw Bhagavan. He came to me as a Leopard father-mother (what else?). I played with His tail, which He kept wrapping around my neck, or gently fanning me with. And he kissed my face lovingly like I was his precious child.
It was for me as real a darshan as any. It was His grace, that he came in a dream.
I kissed His feet, and pressed my face on them. He had tears running down His cheeks. I wanted to ask Him why, but didn't dare, somehow.

Those moments of seeing Him mean more to me than any "waking" moments.

With that Spotty went back into silence. I know the 'Lost In Arunachala Siva' look. It is this. I think for a few days Spotty will post more on "love of Bhagavan", if the readers don't mind.

"When Bhagavan Ramana comes to you in your dream, and lets you press His feet, and sheds tears of love for you, then He has truly claimed you in every way...." -- Spotty, circa 2006.

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