Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Tiru-cub keeping Mum on a leash

Tiru-cub, you must have been really mad with Mum Lioness to be pulling her tail so vishusly (or madly in love). You must NOT do that again. After all, she is the Head of the Department of Tasty Treats.

Tiru-cubsky strenckthinning his jaw mussels, we hope

On the uddy hand i can poafikly understand if you were doing this cos she was doing something earisponzaful like ignoring you. But she was preparing for my huge boathday celebrations. Just imagine, if she had lorst her temper over this, we may have missed out on that marvellous tockit cake.

On the uddy hand, if you pull Stripes' tail when he is asleep, that might be a splendid idea.

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