Saturday, August 4, 2007

Arunacub's Questions

Spottykins, I have been asking Mum Lioness a lot of questions these days .... here are some of them ...

What is the difference between a hare, a rabbit, and a bunny?

What really IS Om?

How DOES somebody realise the Self if they can't get to that Magic Waterfall of Enlightenment?

How does the Divine know when to come?

What really IS the Heart?

What do you and Med Tiger say about all this?

love, Arunacub


ananda said...

great questions!
we will answer zem one by one after a shoaht snoozie.

--Spotty and Stripes

ananda said...

Acco to our inhouse export on animals, hares are larger with longer earses. but zey are not domestickated.

bunnies I feel are small baby rabbits.

rabbits are born blind and hairless whereas hares can see and have hair.

but rememborize that rabbits belong to the same biological order lagomorpha along with pikas, cottontails and of coas hares.