Saturday, August 4, 2007

Spotty finishes first book

Today has been a day of great signifigunz for us. Today little Spotty came in while i was snoozing, and said 'I have finished the book'! I realized (altho he didden say so) that it was his forst book. And he said he really liked it, it was really asciting, aspeshully the end.

Now he wants to go over to Tiru's and ask him if they have the uddy books (the foast sigs).
He toled me to ask Tiru "what is the name of 'arry's son 'oo is also 'arry's father". he was astremely aggsited about this, and wooden tell me at all. But said that one of da cubses would be instradid in knowing. He told me that the last platform scene with the three kids reminded him of his three brudders.

'ee says 'ad 'ee been in de cave when Bhagavan was attagged, 'ee would 'ave said "Expelliarmus!" and the bandits' sticks would 'ave fallen out of dere 'ands.

'ee just isn't stopping talking about 'arry Pottah. Moah as dis develops (and 'is way of talking is quite Confunding, 'aa 'aa, be careful)

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