Friday, August 17, 2007

Day-dreaming of Andavane

Spotty was lion around taking a nap, or so i thought. then suddenly he jumped up, startling me.

Do you know what i would really like ?

To be picked up by Ramanatha Brahmachari, and for him to hold me by his cheeks, and kiss my earses, and rub my back. And play with me.
(I was a little surprised he wasn't talking about the cubses, or Bhagavan. He can rarely think of anything else).

I was thinking, he continued, is it not beautiful that he addressed everyone as Andavane, meaning Lord. Just imagine -- calling everyone Lord.

He asked me, wouldn't you like to be picked up by him?

I coughed and said, i am sort of you know a full-grown tiger. I think he would be quite frightened by the thought of being around me.

Would he be afraid of me? he asked genuinely.

Then he continued: Imagine him mashing pieces of idli with his hands and putting them in my mouth. and then popping a little chutney in. And smiling with joy. How happy he would be.

And imagine him speaking words of love in Tamil into my earses. And should he ever call me "Andavane" I would shoaly melt on the spot.
Perhaps vaporise.

I would so like to have been Andavane's servant. Take care of his hut, cook food for him, wash his clothes....

Spotty looked into the distance, and praps went on with his reverie.
(I thought: Bless you, O Lord, for making us so crazy!)


ramanamayi said...

Spotty, Tell us more! Tell us all about being Andavane's sorvant! And can we help with some of the tasks?
Tirucub: I could lap up spilled milk. And put on Andanvane's vibhuti!
Omcub: I could bring him fruit.
Arunacub: I want to wash his clothes!
love, the cubses

ananda said...

Arunacub, did you say clothes?
Clothes as in plural of cloth.

I mean, be serious, lion. Andavane only wore a lioncloth. a single piece of cotton, singular. One. Uno. Ichi.

But oh sure. you lions can help, instead of just lion around all day.

Cos we can't neglecked Sri Muruganar and Annamalai Swamy and all the others. They too need taking care of while they meditate.

love, Spotty