Saturday, August 11, 2007

Distant relatives: a cautionary note

Spotty just clarifying that Krackiswami is no distanck relative of mine. Nor is this character who has been trying to imporsonate a second-cousin. The nerve!

Stripes did some careful snooping around and reported that this feller is a member of Jagaswami's camp, and there are plans to infiltrate us. So we have to be a lickle careful.

Any strange animals claiming to be anyone's relatives, and smelling jagaswami-ish have to be treated with care.

1 comment:

ramanamayi said...

Mum Lioness, snooper par excellence, also did some research, and found there was abso no link between krackaswami and our dear Spotty. None!

And Tirucub adds: Spotty, you are DEFINITELY not related to any spotted dogs! You are a lepudd! That spotted dog came by our cave saying he was a hungry sadhu and needed vast amounts of iddlies and vibhuti.

Mum L: He even floated the rumour about being your second cousin. We pressed him a bit: oh, when did you last see Spotty and where? Tell us about your cousins ... he sort of melted away like that wedding guest Bhagavan compares to the mind when enquiry is done.