Thursday, August 30, 2007

Magic Turban teaches Spotty a lesson!

"What are we doing in here?" asked Krackiswami to Jagaswami in a tone of complete disbelief, like a fish out of water, "I want to chew some cud!"
"I was wondering meself", replied Jagaswami as he looked thru the windows and saw some trees. He loped towards the window, longing to swing on branches, looked back, and said "Come along!"

The all new Krackiswami

Kracks looked at him angrily and replied, "I can't jump out of the window, silly!", and he tried getting through the door. But his horns were too large, they got jammed in the doorway. Krackiswami could not get out of the door no matter how he twisted his horns.
"Wait let me go to the kitchen and get something to hack your horns off!" said Jags.
"Oh no you don't!", shuddered Kracks.

"Maybe we should sue the cubs for this!" said Jags.
"We cant", explained Krackiswami, "The lawyer we hired to file false cases against you-know-who ... he fell ill, his business collapsed --"
"Then get another one!"
" -- he went mad later. Word went around the lawyer community very fast. Now no one will file cases against you-know-who!"
"Maybe we could distribute pamphlets defaming you-know-who saying he has many wives, and owns a large house somewhere with a swimming pool and several cars! And Swiss bank accounts!", said Jags.
"That sounds more like you!" muttered Krackiswami under his breath.
"What did you say?" asked Jags.

"Oh, i just thought instead of going on and on about you-know-who, why not go out, since you can, quickly, and try getting the magic turban back before the eagle reaches back to the cubses cave."

And so Jags, unable to turn himself into anything now, not even his original self, jumped out the window onto the tree, and swung himself from tree to tree. Aah, this was fun, he thought. Made him feel like Tarzan of the Apes. Poor Krackiswami stood uncumsaguly stuck in the doorway his neck beginning to hurt.

Then Jags saw Spotty as an eagle, resting on a tree top with the turban. It must be heavy carrying the turban, he thought. He called out, "Son, can I help you carry the turban to wherever you are going? Would be a pleasure to help out a fine lad such as you."

Your turban or your life!

The eagle (Spotty) looked down, and squinted at Jagaswami who was quite a frightening, hairy gorilla. Spotty then decided he should probably change into something stronger so he could carry the turban back, and be able to fend off the gorilla.

Barely had he thought this that he felt himself swoop down and land on the ground with the turban. He then felt himself changing into an elefink. Strangely, Arunacub had never told him the turban behaved like this. But then Arunacub never told him that turban behaved the way it did in the hands of the troublesome swamis. Maybe even Arunacub doesn't know!

As he changed into an elefink, the gorilla pounced on him. He swung his trunk around and gripped the gorilla. The gorilla was no match for him. He picked up the gorilla and hurled him high up. The gorilla went spinning up, and up and up .. and landed on a very high branch.

Satisfied, Spotty continued walking back. Then suddenly he shivered. Something was wrong! The turban was not with him! He heard a loud laugh and looked back.

Up on the tree, sat the gorilla with the turban on his head!

Aaaah, thought Spotty gently slapping himself with his own trunk, I forgot for a moment that the gorilla too is the Self. In that one moment, i forgot that all are the Self, and so treated him as something separate. And so the turban taught me a lesson.

Hi there Flappy, Have you seen a magical turban?

I should have thought of you, O Loving Lord, Spotty thought. You would have guided me. Instead i let anger and hatred get the better of me. And in such thoughts I distanced myself from you.

What face will I show Arunacub when he lorns that i lost the turban! He will feel let down, I must get it back, Bhagavan! And so saying, with tears streaming down his face, he ran towards the ashram, stopping only once to change back into the real (leopard) Spotty.

O dear me! Such a shame!

He prostrated a little distance away from Bhagavan and sat down behind the crowd of devotees, hiding his face in shame, and praying to Bhagavan for help. (Continued in next post)

1 comment:

ramanamayi said...

Oh Spottykins! We don't mind that the turban is lost! All we care about is cheering you up.
love, Arunacub and Tirucub and Omcub