Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cubs relate their experience at the mansion

They had just finished dinner. It had been two tough days in a row. "Allow me to wash the dishes" offered Stripes.
He then put the dishes and cooking pots in a row and licked each one clean and spotless. Tiru did an inspection by sniffing each one for food traces. All was okay. The dishes were ready for tomorrow's breakfast!

The monkeys then began telling everyone how Bhagavan had been kind with them. Stories of Hobbler did the rounds. The little deer told everyone stories of Valli, a deer Sri Bhagavan had looked after. Junior (Rhino) recounted the incident of the rhinos from Africa, he had read on some blog.

Once again the cubs tried to tell their mother and Unca Stripes what had happened when Flora the little goat had lured them into the mansion where Krackaswami (Krax) was staking out. All the animals became silent.

"So we all ran in behind Spotty"
"It was ommst as though we were pulled in by some strange force" added Om.
"Uncle Krax was ackshlly quite nice with us. He asked us to sit on a couch. We sat. He requested us to listen to him for a while.
He asplained that what he really had in mind was this global enlightenment thing. "

"He is also in on the global enlightenment bandwagon?" asked Stripes with some sarcasm.
What is this global electrification business. Sounds good!

"Krax asplained that he needed funds to build a temple of gold which would have his statue and his energy in it, and it would help enlightenment to spread.
"And his golden throne also", interjected Om.
Listen up cub brudders. We're hitting big time!

As more and more people come to him and accept him as the Lord, their state will deepen and this temple will be able to spread enlightenment faster.
"It sure sounded like a lot of hogwash to me!" commented Arunacub.
"But could be convincing for many people --" countered Tiru.
"Like Flora" said Omcub.
"He then began quoting figures to us, of how many people are benefitting from his grace, and how fast his movement if growing.
"Finally he said, now here is what i need from you all. In order to help humanity, in order to liberate everyone from suffering, i need some help from you."

"We sorta looked at him wide-eyed wondering what help could we cubses possibly give." said Om.
"Like if he asked Unca Stripes for help, or Mum Lioness, we could understand, but US!!" said Spotty.

He said You cubs have sortan siddhis which have come to you by mistake. You need to share them with me, and promise not to use them ever again. As the Lord of the Universe, it is my wish that only I use them.
However, if you decide not to, then global enlightenment will be stalled by about, lets see ... two million years. It all depends on you cubs.

And so we sat there a few moments wondering what to say. For some reason we knew we could not just run out. We had no idea we could even change our shapes or do anything in there. it was awfully suffocating. It was like being controlled.

Then Krax said, take your time ... think it over, tell me when you are ready. And he took us up to the room where he locked us in.
By Golly! The enlightenment of the world depends on us four lickle cubses!

"He told Flora to lock us in with Uncle Jags first. Then he said, NO, we'll put them in elsewhere where no one can find them!", added Arunacub.
He told Flora to take off Arunacub's turban before locking us, so we could not do anything smart while locked up, added Om cub.
Mebbe he wanted to put some charm on the turban, suggested Spotty.

Unca Hobbler: where is this sound coming from?

"Then we saw Uncle Hobbler outside!" said Tiru suddenly.
"Oh yes!" the cubs shouted.
And then they all began to narrate how they were shouting out hoping someone would hear them and they saw Uncle Hobbler outside on the trees. He was cocking his ear as though he could hear something in a distance. But he kept looking around and he could not see us, it seems.
Something funny is going on here! I must go for help.

Flora must have been below our window. We heard her saying that we could be heard outside. Krax replied that with his jinx no one else could hear or see us.

But then they came in, and took us to another room from where there were only some tiny ventilators, no windows. Mebbe facing the back of the mansion.

"One strange thing was .." started Om cub (this got everyone's attention) " ... that while we were there, we were unable to think of Sri Bhagavan. Only much later we suddenly heard Unca Stripes and you shouting out 'Bhagavan' and 'Ramana', that we remembered, and then we again called out to you. We were chanting His name till you came and got us."
"It was like there was a curtain around the mind." said Spotty.
Tiru: "I felt like something was controlling me"
Aruna: "Something dark"
Tiru: "Yeah, dark."

Suddenly they heard a snore. They looked aside to see Unca Stripes falling asleep. The cubs ran around him and took their position around his neck, on his back, on his shoulder...

Tomorrow would be another day, another adventure, another gift from Bhagavan Ramana.

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