Sunday, September 16, 2007

Animal Hospital and Ramana Temple of Awareness

It wasn't that the animals were keen on going to an animal hospital. When Mum Lioness suggested with feigned sternness that the hippos and other "injured" animals could be taken to a vet nearby for tetanus shots, and kept on a drip all day, they all shrunk back, some disappearing into the bushes outside.

But when they had heard that the hospital had a free chocolate milk dispenser, and the chocolate used was their favorite Midnite Moo, and that one could also have as many idlis with chutney, free of cost, round the clock, as one wanted, then they simply could not resist. There was only one catch, Spotty has explained. In order to have free milk shakes and icecream sundaes ("what? sundaes too!", they shouted) and idlis, you have to be under fifteen years.
Most of the kids were under ten, some even under five, so that was a non-issue.
The milk, Spotty has explained, will be the best, milk from the ashram cows. Not the diluted milk you get elsewhere. Milk given by cows that have been blessed by Bhagavan.
So the milk will give you more energy and get you well instantly, said Spotty.

No bitter medicines?, a tortoise had asked, remembering the anti-malarial tablets he had had 6 months ago.
No injections?, a stork had asked, remembering the yellow-fever injection they had had before their african safari last year.
No lying in bed for a week eating boiled food?, Rumple and Crumple (the hippoes) asked together.
And Mum Lioness comes once a day to the hopsible to deliver berry shakes and mango lassi and vegetable pizza to all the well-behaved animals.

One day we will be living on chocomilk instead of this yucky mud water

There were now serious concerns about what "well-behaved" meant. Did it mean sitting quietly all day, not running around, not painting the walls, not playing hide 'n seek, not fighting with one's brudders.

Spotty realized that suddenly the hopsibal may not seem such a big attraction to the animals. He had spoken without thinking!
Then he remembered brudder Tiru and spoke. No, No, this is a nice hopsible, not like some strict school! You can draw on walls, play all you want, even break the occassional window. But you must not harm the trees, or break flowers or leaves. Or trample the plants in the garden.

The animals looked as though they might be able to manage that with some effort, it was not out of question, considering what they were getting in return.
"Tiru cub will turn you out immediately if any trees or plants are harmed!", said Spotty looking like a school headmaster.

Spotty asplaining the grand plan to the animal kids

"And sometimes ...", said Spotty getting up to leave, "if the patients help in keeping the hopsibal clean, Mum Lioness comes over with a chocolate cake with a 6 inch thick chocolate icing! Now excuse me, i have work to do!"

AT THE MANSION, Swami K, recently renamed Swami MiracleAnanda and now BlissAnanda, was having a very upset stomach since last night. He had not been able to get off the you-know-what all night. And to make matters worse the whole plumbing system had clogged up, and they could not call the plumbers because they had illegally taken over this mansion while the previous occupants had gone on vacation.
You guys are a pathetic bunch of whining losers! Get out of my sight!

He blamed all this is on bad karma of Tamil Nadu. "This state does not deserve me!" he declared to his principal attendant, recently awarded the spiritual name Ahankara.
"I promise I shall leave Tamil Nadu", he threatened his attendants.
The attendants begged him not to leave. One European attendant, named LivinginJoyAnanda, suggested, "O Lord! Why don't you fix the toilet using your powers, you are God after all!"
Swami Blissananda was so furious he turned LivinginJoyananda out of the mansion and told him never to return.

"Until now I have been suffering setback after setback. This is all due to the bad karma of this state! I shall go to Andhra Pradesh or Karnataka one day, you wait and see!", he bellowed.

If i start walking now, I might get there by the time the temple is built

BACK IN THE CAVES, Spotty had leaked out that the temple that Om baby was building would be giving out Krishna Crunch to all who came. No one knew what Krishna Crunch was but the way Spotty smacked his lips as he took that name, they knew it would be the most delicious treat they had ever had. All clamoured to go to the Ramana Temple of Awareness that Omcub was building.

BUT the one good thing that Spotty did do that day was to teach all the children the first verse of Aksharamanamalai.

O Arunachala! You root out the ego in those who meditate on Thee in the Heart!

They loved it. And Spotty promised to teach them the second one the next day. (This was a surprise for Mum Lioness!)

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