Monday, October 8, 2007

Beloved Feet Month

Spotty was asking the lion cubs what Beloved Feet Month was? He said people on the hill are celebrating this month.
The cubs were surprised that Spotty did not know, but then Omcub reminded them that Spotty was only six-months old.

So Tiru cub explained that for thousands of years, this time of the year is observed, and celebrated as Beloved Feet Month. At this time, people quite naturally start writing poems expressing their love for Bhagavan Ramana's Feet.

"Yes!", said Spotty. "Unca Stripes was telling me that last year (before I was born) Mum Lioness had written many poems about Bhagavan's Feet and Eyes and Heart."

Then Arunacub explained that in the summer, before Beloved Feet Month, you have the "Have Love for All Creatures" season. And Omcub said, that if he rememborized correctly "All is Ramana, the Self" month also fell sometime before Beloved Feet Month.

Spotty asked Tiru if he knew it was Have Love For All Creatures season when he wrote the book for Arunacub. Tiru admitted he had no idea. Little Om explained that these things just happened quite naturally to everyone who loves Bhagavan. Sooner or later you fall in love with Ramana's Holy Feet.
And before you know it, added Arunacub, you begin to feel love for all creatures.
And then you begin to know that All is Ramana, finished off Tiru.
And then your love for His Feet increases, said Om cub.
And this way, the surrender goes on and on, until you totally melt into Bhagavan, said Tiru.
And your ego is killed, said Omcub dramatically hitting his right fist into his left palm.
The cubs laughed.

Spotty looked into the distance saying how much he had to learn about this world.
Little Om cub advised Spotty not to worry. Leave your burdens on me, Bhagavan said.
I did that and all my worries are gone!

Really? asked Spotty.
"What worries?" asked Arunacub.
"Oh, i don't remember. Bhagavan took them all away.", replied Om.
"Could you remember what your worries were, so you can tell me, without getting worried about them?" asked Arunacub.
Tiru cub smiled.
"No.", Om cub apologized, "Bhagavan has taken them away forever!"

Mum Lioness heard this exchange. She pulled out a book and the cubs gathered around her. She read to the them a little excerpt, simplified so that even little Spotty could follow.

Bhagavan has promised us:

"In order to put an end to your worries, make sure that all your burdens are placed on me, through the brave act of depending totally on grace.

If you completely surrender all your responsibilities to me, I will accept them as mine and manage them.

When bearing the entire burden remains my responsibility, why do you have any worries?"