Monday, October 29, 2007

The cubs discuss ... er ... Self-realization

Spotty and Stripes do pradakshina Spotty-style

Once again, on the recent full-moon evening, Uncle Stripes and little Spotty had done Arunachala pradakshina with Spotty riding on Stripes' shoulders.

The Lionses do pradakshina

Uncle Stripes again explained to Spotty that Spotty should walk on his own feet while doing pradakshina. Spotty would ask "Why?". And Stripes hated this question. Because when he replied , "You won't realize the Self if you do pradakshina sitting on someone else!", Spotty would ask, "What is realizing the Seff?"

And whenever Stripes tried to explain that, the four cubs would tie him in knots with further questions and light-hearted comments.

This time once again a discussion was going on on Self-realization, and the cubs were having a field day. Stripes had tried to say something about the ego, the cubs asked what the ego was, and Stripes talked of the mind, and the cubs asked what the mind was, and Uncle Stripes looked like he was going to put his head under a pillow any moment. Or hide under the bed, like he did last time.

Then little Tirucub got a little warmed up and said, "I don't understand why people talk of realization and Self, when actually they mean melting into dear Bhagavan until there is no feeling of 'I'".
Aruna cub supported him saying, "Yes, why can't the whole world just say: we wish to melt into Bhagavan, and not these large, meaningless words like realization ... "
"Even though" clarified tiny Om cub, "strictly speaking, there is no melting into Bhagavan, because we are already part of Him."
"The Seff is already realized!", said Tiru cub.

Then suddenly Om cub declared, "I was born all melty!" and jumped into Mum Lioness's lap melting therein.
Seeing this, the other three cubs raced into Mum Lioness's lap all purring away about being like melted chocolate, or melted butter, or even Paalak Paneer for Bhagavan to swallow.

Melty cubs melt into Mum Lioness

Spotty later had a dream in which he came to the Lions' cave and saw a large sign outside (in Om's paw-writing) saying "Ready to melt", and the little cubs were peeking from the cave entrance hoping Bhagavan would walk by and see it ... and absorb them all.

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