Friday, October 26, 2007

The flood of love

The cubs had just finished Math class. They loved Math class but for one thing. And that was that little Spotty refused to attend, saying he had a fear of numbers ... he had even invented a long word for it -- something like numerophobia or cuberootphobia. So after Math class, they usually made a dash for Spotty's cave.

They peeked in the cave entrance, noses twitching, whiskers moving accordingly, ears perking up at the slightest sound.

Spotty and Meditator Tiger (Uncle Stripes) were having a chat. The three lion cubs, Om, Aruna and Tiru curled up beside Spotty. Stripes was saying:

One way that Bhagavan's grace manifests is that you see Bhagavan, or his photo, or perhaps even hear about Him, and there is this falling in love with Him. It is a complete mind, body , soul turning to Him. At the same time, there is this flood of love that hits the person. And this flood is ever-present. This flood of love is of course Bhagavan Ramana Himself.

It's like a sunflower that turns to the sun and the suns warmth falls upon it. So there is a two-way process happening. Your heart opens up upon seeing Bhagavan Ramana, and love gushes out to Him, and having opened up, it receives a deluge of love that never stops.

This love wipes out all pain, all suffering, all longings and desires.

The cubs asked: Unca Stripes, some people tell us, "It's all in your mind!". For us it's very real. What answer do you have for that?

Unca Stripes said: Yes, to others it would seem like it is in the mind. But this flood of love is not something that ever subsides with time. Nor is it something that gets pushed aside or eclipsed by worldly pains or longings.

Any other kind of love you may feel that gives you only a certain amount of solace, or that you can forget in a moment of extreme pain, can be said to be in the mind. But there is no worldly suffering, for that matter, nothing -- no worldly pain or even pleasure, that can conquer or exceed the love of our Lord Ramana.

That is why we know it is real.

It is our weapon against the suffering that this world or ego tries to put us through.

Then Om cub asked: Unca Stripes, we cubs too know of this love. But often, when we have our discussions we wonder whether it will merge us into Bhagavan ...
Arunacub added: Or do we still need to meditate. We are so small. We worry that we may not be able to meditate, and then we won't realize the Self.

Unca Stripes replied: I think you should ask Mum Lioness about this. But I think, and hope, that being in this love, this two-way flood of love is enough to merge you completely with Bhagavan. This love enables surrender.

After a while, Stripes added: You do remember Bhagavan's promises, don't you ?

(The cubs all nodded.)

In simple words, for you dear little cubs (patting them all on their smooth, furry heads):

For this ego to end, for this false self to end, the correct way is to entrust all your burdens on Bhagavan Ramana.

If you completely surrender all your responsibilities to Bhagavan, He will accept them as His and manage them.

At that moment, several stomachs began to rumble. There was a knock on the entrance. A familiar voice called out: Did anyone order a bag or Krishna Crunches?
The cubs yelled "YES!"
Mum Lioness walking in carrying a hamper full of Krishna Crunches, freshly prepared. These were promptly offered to a photo of Bhagavan. When the cubs were satisfied that Bhagavan had received them and blessed them, then Om cub distributed them, and a crunchy party began.

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