Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Children of the Emperor

The cubs were having their once a week intense philosophical debate. This was held behind closed doors, Mum Lioness and Unca Stripes were not allowed in. Although, they were never too far off in case the discussion became too intense. And that always happened.

Today the cubs were discussing what "children of the emperor" meant. Spotty had heard this and raised the question.
The cubs were explaining that since Bhagavan was the emperor and we His children, therefore we were never to worry. We could always be happy.

Om cub warned that we should not let this thought strengthen our ego.
Spotty asked "Ego? What is that?"
The cubs looked at Spotty with surprise. Tiru cubs jaw dropped to the floor. Ommst.
Om cubs asked: Spotty, you are six months old and you don't know what the ego is?
Spotty shook his head very embarrassed.
"When i was six-months old I knew!", said Om.
"Same here", said Aruna and Tiru immediately.
"The ego is sort of dark" said one.
"It hides the Self", said another.
"It prevents us from realizing the Self"
"I have something that can kill the ego", declared Om. "It's called kill-the-ego chutney"
"To be eaten with realize-the-ego chips", added Tiru.
"I still don't understand", said little Spotty, almost in tears now.

Instantly, as if on cue, Mum Lioness barged in with a plate of idlis and coconut chutney.
"Spotty does not know what the ego is, because he doesnt have one!", declared Mum Lioness.
"WHAT ???", exclaimed all the cubs.
Now Spotty looked even sadder. Not only did he not know what an ego was, but he didn't even have one.
"Many months ago", explained Mum Lioness, "the cubs pulled his ego out, and flushed it!"
Spotty was now ready to burst into tears.
Immediately Mum Lioness explained that the ego was not a very nice thing. It is good not to have it.
"It makes us fight each other!" said Tiru.
"It makes people nasty!", added Arunacub.
"It does not let us love all creatures", said Om reassuringly.
Now Spotty felt a little better. He looked at himself and then at the cubs.
"You can't see the ego, Spotty!", said Arunacub.
"It's somewhere in the mind", said Tiru.
Spotty squinted upwards as though he was looking into his mind.
"It IS the mind!", said Om.
"It is the 'I'-thought!", said Tiru.
"Easy cubs, easy!", snarled Mum Lioness. "Don't confuse little Spotty again!"

Mum Lioness stuffed bits of idlis rolled in chutney into everyone's mouth so that further conversation was not possible.
"Now you all be happy because you are children of the Emperor, and the Emperor will take care of you and love you forever and ever.", she told them.

Before the plate was finished the cubs had all fallen asleep. She picked each one up and tucked them into bed.

As she lay there, becoming drowsy, she remembered the previous meeting of the cubs.
(to be continued)

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