Monday, November 12, 2007

The real identity of the "other animals"

Dear Mum Lioness,

We must admit, your lion cubs sortanly are sharp -- we mean sharp minds, not just claws. However, and we mean no disrespect, but had Rumps and Crumps asked, they would have asked not for two but about two hundred.

Okay, let us be honest. We are Rumple and Crumple. We asked for only 2 servings so you would think we were Spotty and Stripes. But our conscience has started acting up, so we are being honest.

Crumple is poking me in the side saying that for being honest, we should get two hundred Ramana Munches extra.

And that reminds us, last time you all went for pradakshina, we saw the cubses sitting on your shoulders in turns. I and Crumps thought about that a lot, and next time we wish to also piggy-back a bit. We will eat a little less the previous day so as to be lighter.

Another thing. Crumps has begun jogging a bit. Really ! He wants to have the same lean, six-pack abs like Mum Hippo used to have when she was younger. And he says to compensate for all that jogging, he will need an extra dose of ... you can see where this is going, surely.
We both in fact wish to be lean and trim like our lion brother Tiru. And run as fast as him!
Ramana Munches don't add weight, do they?

take care and much love,
Rumple and Crumple

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