As they approached the cave, Hobbler came up to meet them, the little bird on his shoulder.
"The bird looks so much better!" said Arunacub with joy.
"Oh yes," said Hobbler. "And she says I am her best friend because I brought her to Bhagavan." The bird pecked at Hobbler's ear in a very friendly way that made Hobbler laugh.
When they all reached Bhagavan, they found the crow feasting again on an iddli, looking glossy and happy. The little bird jumped down and began eating too. Hobbler stood nearby, looking very hungry but refusing to eat until Bhagavan fed him with his divine hands.
Soon both birds flew high up above some trees and the cubs beamed at Bhagavan for having nursed them back to health. He smiled at them and began popping bits of iddli into their mouths too. Rationalizing that they were doing Bhagavan a favour by keeping him clean, they licked his beautiful hands, and then they rested their heads on his feet. His peace poured into them and they lay very still, completely happy.
When Bhagavan got up for his lunch, they purred their goodbyes and ran off to find Spotty's racket.
"Are you not worried someone might have "borrowed" your lovely new racket?" asked a squirrel who had seen Spotty hide it behind the rock.
"Worry?" said Spotty. "How can I worry when Bhagavan is here?"
When they got to the rock where Spotty had left it, they found two baffled hippos. Upon seeing the cubs, the hippos' expressions changed from puzzlement to pride at being able to inform the cubs of something strange.
"You won't be able to pick up that racket," said Crumple.
"Oh?" said Tirucub, trying to keep a straight face.
"Why?" asked Omcub.
"It weighs more than our mother!" said Rumple. "We were going to take the racket to play mudball with it, but the two of us together could not budge it."
Spotty went right up to his racket.
"You, least of all!" Crumple told Spotty.
"Spotty may look little, but he could easily pick up your mother if he wanted to," said Arunacub.
Crumple and Rumple laughed, thinking of times they had tried to make their mother do things. If she sat down, there was no budging her! Imagine the tiny Spotty having any success! Crumple and Rumple worked themselves up into such hysterics that they were soon rolling on the ground.
"Watch," said Tirucub.
Spotty reached down a little paw and gracefully picked up his racket without the slightest strain. Crumple and Rumple's jaws dropped.
Serving imaginary balls all the way, Spotty led the other cubs home so they could get started on making Uncle Annamalai's lunch.
Mum Lioness,
Please make absolutely certain that Spotty does not go around your cave breaking any furniture or fans.
If i remember, you had a lot of problem with Rumple and Crumple earlier.
Although, on the other hand, if he does, i trust there will be some great blog posts from you describing the damage.
other animals on the hill.
p.s. when is the next BIG batch of Ramana Crunches scheduled for?
Just asking, that's all.
Dear Other Animals,
We will be making the next BIG batch quite soon ... perhaps two or three days from now.
A smallish batch was made yesterday but it did not last long. Spotty was practicing the kick serve. The other cubs were cheering him on. He had just added a little lead tape to the racket and it ... well, it had more power than he was expecting ... The whole pan of Ramana Munch came crashing down from the spot where I had put it to cool ... Ramana Munch chunks skidded to every corner of the cave. Med Tiger heard the crash from his cave and came over in one bound to investigate. He told me to go rest in the sun while he and the cubs cleaned it all up. I had no idea that meant eating every crumb and licking up every last chocolate smudge! When I came back in, the cubs were all painting pictures of Arunachala and Med Tiger was fast asleep, and there was not a trace of Ramana Munch in the cave.
Hobbler's friends will get the word out when the next batch is ready.
love, Mum Lioness
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