Saturday, January 12, 2008

Meditator Tiger a bit down these days!

Are you making a batch of Ramana Munches, Mum Lioness? asked Om cub.

No, i am making some hot rasam for Unca Stripes. It will help with his cold.

Poor unca stripes! Spotty was saying that his nose has been running for 2 days. All Spotty does is take tissues to him all day long.

How terrible! exclaimed Mum Lioness.

But that's not the worst, added in Tiru cub.
Mum Lioness turned to him, her eyes opening wide.

Spotty was saying that Stripes is having a problem doing Self-enquiry with this cold.
Really? remarked Mum Lioness.
Will the hot rasam help Uncle Spotty in self-enquiry, asked Om cub innocently.

Well, we'll put it in front of Bhagavan. And pray to Him to bless this rasam, so that Unca Stripes gets well fast.
The cubs sat down in front of Bhagavan praying to Him as Mum Lioness placed the piping hot rasam at Bhagavan's Feet. She allowed the aroma to waft towards Bhagavan, knowing how much Bhagavan would love it.

Did you put extra red chillies for Unca Stripes? asked Arunacub.

Yes, and one for little Spotty, too. In case he steals a sip!, said Mum Lioness with a wink.

The three lion cubs saw some large red chillies floating on top and shrunk back in fear!

Om burst into laughter and told the others that he remembered that Unca stripes liked to bite into the red chilli at the start of the meal. He would love the taste of the chilli exploding in his mouth. And then the rest of the meal would seem hot.

As they sat they could hear Unca Stripes sniffling in the next cave.

Arunacub decided he would read to Unca Stripes about the Self, as this would help Stripes to focus.
Om cub decided he would ask Unca Stripes to enquire who is unable to enquire. They all thought that was a great idea.
Tiru cub asked Mum Lioness to fill a flask with hot water, honey, turmeric and black pepper, and a few other herbs he had collected from their garden. Tiru's knowledge of herbs was amazing!

With the rasam, the hot water, and a few verses about the Self, they visited Uncles Stripes and Spotty.

(Edit: The cubses would like to share this video with animal lovers)

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