Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Bhagavan pours His love on Jayanthi

All had been peaceful on the hill for some time. Uncle Stripes, aka Meditator Tiger, was getting deeper into Self-enquiry. He and Mum Lioness had recorded some of Bhagavan's talks and teachings on Self-enquiry and the mind and the Self, and they would listen to these as they went about their work. It helped them keep their minds on the Self.

At the same time, they had also recorded the Marital Garland of Letters (in Lion language, needless to say) and Bhagavan's other verses to Sri Arunachala, and found that listening to these pressed them deeper into their beloved Bhagavan.

Meanwhile, the various swamis (little Spotty reported) who always had their eyes on what was going on on the hill (through their spies) had noted this and taken appropriate action.

At Swami Treechopananda's ashram, in another part of South India, devotees went about with iPods listening to the swami droning on on various subjects. Many found this to be an unfailing cure for insomnia. The swami himself spent most of his time doing, what Spotty called "podcast-sadhana" (to the delight of the other cubs). Spotty said that every now and then Treechopananda would send his attendant to check if his devotees were doing "iPod-sadhana" or not, and were they doing it just like Bhagavan's lion and tiger devotees do on Arunachala or not.

"What about MiracleAnanda, or whatever his name is now, what is he doing?", asked little Tiru cub impatiently.

Spotty concentrated. Then he said: He has changed his name from EnlightenmentAnanda to ... 2012Ananda!
WHAT !!!?, exploded the cubs.
Yes! He has declared that by 2012, he shall usher in the Age of Enlightenment and then shall be known as SatyugAnanda.

WOW!!, exclaimed the cubs.
Spotty continued: He says he is giving deeksha (transmission) through his podcasts.

Wasn't 'Phone Deeksha' funny enough? laughed one cub.
That we should have 'Podcast-deeksha' now!, added another.
So the iPod shall be the means of global enlightenment, is that it ? asked little Om cub, wrinkling his nose in disapproval.

Mum Lioness peeped in.
What's all the merriment, she asked, and then sat down between the cubs.
"Spotty says that Swami Treechopananda is podcasting for his devotees to do ipod-sadhana," said one cub summarizing.
His devotees have begun calling him "PodcastAnanda", said Spotty seriously.

Little Om cub then went scampering off and came back with Collected Works of Sri Ramana. The cubs wanted to hear Mum Lioness reading the verses Bhagavan had composed to Sri Arunachala.

The cubs gazed at Bhagavan's picture as Mum Lioness read Bhagavan's words of love for Sri Arunachala.

It was Bhagavan's birthday today, and Bhagavan's pictures were pouring with even more love than they normally did, or so it seemed.
Bhagavan is pelting us with darts of love, exclaimed little Om cub.

It truly was so.

As Mum Lioness read Bhagavan's verses to Sri Arunachala, it seemed as though Bhagavan was pouring more and more love onto them. The words (once spoken by Bhagavan) were touching Bhagavan's heart again, Bhagavan's heart was overflowing with love for His Beloved Arunachala, and for His dear devotees.
Bhagavan IS sitting with us and listening, whispered Arunacub, as Mum Lioness finished one composition.
The others nodded. Bhagavan's presence among his devotees was evident.

The cubs silently wished that the verses would never end, that Mum Lioness would keep reading forever, and they could look into Bhagavan's eyes forever, feeling His unending love.


రామ ShastriX said...

Missing those cute images :-)

Anonymous said...

pssst. Om, Arunacub, Tiru, wake up.... Someone thinks we cubsah cute!