"Sundaram Iyer Day!" whispered Arunacub, in case the ear nipping had not pulled her from her dream.
"I'd better get Spotty," said Omcub and he dashed to the cave next door where he found Meditator Tiger sound asleep and Spotty wide awake.
"C'mon, it's Sundaram Iyer Day," shouted Om. Spotty leapt for his brother, tackled him twice, and then followed him back to the other cave.
"What prazackly is Sundaram Iyer Day?" asked Spotty, hoping no one would laugh at his not being too clear about this holiday.
"It's prazackly a day all about Bhagavan's FATHER," Om explained.
Arunacub, adjusting his turban so no fur showed on the top of his head, gazed into the distance murmuring, "Sundaram, Sundaram," so lost in bliss he could not add anything to Omcub's explanation.
"What do we do on Sundaram Day?" asked Spotty, wanting to get the whole thing straight.
"Don't look so worried," said Tirucub gently, "We know you weren't even born last Sundaram Day, so no one could expect you to know."
Spotty looked very relieved.
"But since Spotty is always six months old, won't he still not know what Sundaram Day is next year?" asked Arunacub, who never tired of trying to solve the mystery of Spotty's permanent baby age, or its implications.
"That's right," said Tirucub, and he turned back to Spotty to explain things further. "We don't do ANY work and we eat chocolate covered almonds."
Mum Lioness raised a very skeptical eyebrow.
"And we look at Sundaram's picture and blow kisses to him," added Arunacub, rushing over to his favourite Sundaram photo.
"Chocolate covered almonds before brekkie?" asked Spotty hopefully, looking over at Mum Lioness with an extra cute expression.
"No, no, chocolate covered almonds FOR brekkie," said Tirucub. "Almonds are full of nutrition." He noticed Arunacub and chided him, "That's enough of that bliss stuff, let's do something practical ..."
Arunacub seemed not to hear him, but Omcub excitedly asked, "What kind of pracktabul stuff can we do?" He hoped it might involve scissors and glue, or, better yet, hammers and saws.
"Let's make some turbans and give them out to hungry turbanless sadhus, along with some of the chocolate covered almonds," said Tirucub.
Dreamily, Arunacub turned and nodded his ascent.
"I've never made a turban," said Spotty.
"Neither have I!" said Omcub.
"None of us has," said Tirucub.
"Will you show us how?" asked Arunacub, bringing out some cotton and scissors. Just then a sleepy Med Tiger came strolling over with his cup of weak coffee.
"If Mum Lioness teaches us, we can make a whole bunch and Mum Lioness won't have to have a dazausting day making them all by herseff," said Omcub persuasively.
To be continued ...